Craig Simon, Ph.D., Curriculum Vitae

Craig Lyle Simon

1024 SE 3rd Ave., Apt 205

Dania, FL 33004

(954) 921-2838

craigsimon at rkey dot com


Ph.D. in International Studies; University of Miami, December 2006.

Dissertation: “Launching the DNS War: Dot-Com Privatization and the Rise of Global Internet
Governance.” Supervised by Dr. Vendulka Kubalkova.

M.A. in International Studies, University of Miami, May 1987.

Thesis: “Technology Transfer and Soviet American Rivalry: Prospects for the Decline of
Bipolar Hegemony.” Supervised by Dr. Duane Kujawa.

B.A. History, University of California at Santa Cruz, 1980.

Specializations: US History, Modern European History.

Languages. Native English. Intermediate Russian.


1990-1991. Miami Dade Community College. Basic courses in DOS and wordprocessing.

These were skill-oriented courses for undergraduate and vocational students.

Summer 1988. Florida International University. Undergraduate Level Strategic Studies: “The
Use of Force in International Relations: Power and the Political Object.”

This was an undergraduate-level survey course on theories of war and strategic studies,
reviewing the work of classic authors such Sun Tzu, Clausewitz and Wohlstetter.


Database Application Specialist, Freelance computer consulting since 1988.

Selected tools: C#, MSSQL, SSIS, MySQL, PHP, FBML/FBJS.

Selected clients: BankAtlantic, Stearns, Weaver, Miller, et al. PA, South Florida Utilization
Review, Elias Rudnikas, PA, Peeples, Earl & Blank, PA, Alpha Lyricom, Bank
Sudameris, C:\LEGAL and Associates, Coulter Electronics, Dr. G. Sauer, Corp., Gomez,
Fente, & Del Pino, PA, Florida Institute for Pain, Hoppe & Stokes PA, Insurance
Marketers, Inc., Sapurstein & Bloch, PA, Kolb Publishing, Merrill Lynch Latin American
Division, Alert International, Inc., Norm Roberts, PA, Storer Communications, Uniroyal
Chemical Company, US Customs Service.

Current Projects

Custom applications for firms in South Florida

Data-driven Winform applications supporting rapid keyboard entry and flexible document assembly.

Indaba Application Network (demo at

Proof-of concept web-based platform for collaborative prioritization via Ranked Choice Voting.


University of Miami, President’s Return Invitation Grant (August 1996- December 2006).

A research grant and open-ended tuition waiver offered to a small group of advanced
students who had previously left the University under special circumstances.

University of Miami, University Fellow (August 1985- May 1988).

A three year award of the University’s most prestigious and generous scholarship.

University of Miami, Graduate Assistantship (August 1984- May 1989).

A one-year research assistantship, including tuition waiver and 15 hour per week work
assignment under the direction of Dr. June Dreyer.


July 2008. Deriving Common Interests from Animal Origins: The Generative Constraints of Global
Presented to the World International Studies Committee (WISC), at the Global International Studies Conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

August 2006. Russia’s Great Power Interests. Smolny Institute of International Relations (in conjunction
with University of Miami’s Master of Arts in International Administration Program), St.
Petersburg Russia.

November 2005. Who’s the Boss? A Constructivist Perspective on The Genesis of Power and the
Origin of Rule
. US International Studies Association Southeast, Miami Florida.

October 2005. The Internet as a Global Infrastructure. University of Miami’s Master of Arts in
International Administration (MAIA): International Communication, Religion & Culture.

March 2003. Internet Governance. University of Miami’s Master of Arts in International
Administration (MAIA): International Communication.

February 2001. Post-Westphalia Dot Com. The Miami Group (UM/FIU Colloquium).

February 1988. “Gorbachev’s Perestroika”: What Does it Mean for US-Soviet Trade?
University Of Miami, Institute of Soviet and East European Studies.


“Internet Governance Goes Global,” in International Relations in a Constructed World,
Vendulka Kubalkova, Nicholas G. Onuf, and Paul Kowert, eds. New York: M.E. Sharpe 1998.


Book Manuscript

Roots of Power: The Rise of Dot-Com and the Decline of the Nation-State (Revised dissertation).